Friday, February 25, 2011

The miners from Chile

For all our friends and family back in Canada still suffering with the cold...the beach in Tel Aviv last Saturday. You can see the city of Jaffa in the background. It was a beautiful day, but windy. By early afternoon the wind caused a sandstorm so we couldn't see Jaffa at all. It was still a nice outing even though we did get lost a few times in Tel Aviv! On Thursday, Feb 24 the miners that had been trapped in Chile came to the Garden for a visit. We're not sure how many of the rescued miners came as we had conflicting reports or the number either 24 or 30, but the miners and either their wives or significant others are the ones wearing the white hats.

This is one of the miners who is holding his 4 month old son.

The Bible Society of Israel gave each of the miners a Spanish Bible. This picture is the representative from the Bible Society presenting the Bible to the miner who was the last miner to surface.

I had to get a picture of this man and the t-shirt that he was wearing

It was an inspiring afternoon. They had been at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre earlier in the day with film crews everywhere and it was a little frustrating for them trying to get around. Our director, Richard, said no filming in the Garden so hopefully their visit to the Garden Tomb was meaningful for them. We were certainly blessed being able to host them.
Don and Glenda


  1. Thanks so much for keeping up with your blogging, it is so interesting to read, I love it! Snowed again today, enjoy the warmth there! Maybe by the time you get home it will be spring!

  2. Neat to be able to see those guys with all that they've gone through. Love that picture of the beach at Tel Aviv.
