- Before we close each day at the Garden, we give five minutes notice to each group who are worshipping. As I went to open the door of one of our underground worship areas ( big chapel ), I heard the words, " you may now kiss the bride ". It's not the first time I had heard those words - last year a group of 500 came to worship and at the end they quickly held a ceremony in the corner of the Garden, even though they need permission to do so. As it turns out, this recent event was a renewing of vows after 25 years of marriage. Every day in the Garden is new.
- Glenda and I were invited to a Shabbat dinner Friday evening at the home of a couple of staff members at the Garden. It's always fascinating to observe the Jewish traditions while we are serving here. Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest and seventh day of the week, remembering the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days. It starts Friday evening just before sunset and concludes Saturday evening about 7pm. Can you imagine businesses in Canada being closed Friday evening and all day Saturday?
- By the way Canada, I heard that the Toronto Maple Leafs are undefeated so far this hockey season.
- I guided a group of black American Pastors through the Garden Friday afternoon. When they arrived, they were almost in a party mood. Their Israeli guide told me afterwards they were the most unruly bunch he had guided. They were wonderful with me though, intent on learning. I told them that while they most likely knew the bible better than me, I could give them information on the Garden Tomb that they could take back to their congregation. They were really encouraging and seemed genuinely interested in what the Garden Tomb stood for.
- A God moment....while we were waiting to start the tour with the U.S. Pastors, our head guide added three people to our group, which is often the case when small groups come in on their own. I asked the lady in the small group where she was from - Savannah Georgia she said. That caught the attention of one of the Pastors who as he turned around said, "I'm from Savannah Georgia ". It turns out she had him speak at her church two months before and they had since become friends...who it just so happens came to Jerusalem seperately and to the Garden Tomb the same day, ending up on the same tour.
- This morning eight of us from the Garden Tomb volunteers attended an Arab Christian church in the Old City to support two of our staff, one of who led the worship there. While I didn't understand a word of the songs, it was beautiful music and the congregation had come prepared to worship. The worship I have to say is a few times louder than any worship leader than I have experienced, but just watching all of the young Arab children, and the young mothers worship was encouraging. Where else but Jerusalem could you attend an Arab Christian service, hear the " muslim call to prayer " outside and then enjoy the special music of a lady from Wisconsin, U.S.A. who pulled out her "pocket trumpet" and led us in a wonderful version of How Great Thou Art.
- Looking forward to spending Christmas with the volunteers here at the Garden. We plan on celebrating Christmas eve in and around Bethlehem which is only 8 miles away. Interesting to note that during this slower season at the Garden, we are down to three volunteer guides - two of them are Canadian - Gord Reeve and me.
Some of the trees that needed to be removed from the garden.
A few of the pictures taken at the Arah Christian church on Sunday morning.
The women from Wisconsin playing her pocket trumpet.
Inside the church. By the time the service started all the seats were full and some were standing.
wow...can't believe you only have a few weeks left. It's gone by fast, eh? Sounds like you are having such a great time, and are exposed to new things everyday. Love you