Today is Christmas Eve! We would never have thought a few years ago that in 2012 we would be celebrating Christmas Eve in Bethlehem.
We have a usual working day today, then this evening we are hoping to travel to Bethlehem for a few hours to have a church service and visit the shepherds fields. We have heard there will be a crowd of people. We'll try and take some pictures depending on how crowded it is. The weather today is sunny and warm, although a couple of days ago it was raining hard and very cold. I tried to imagine if it was a cold and rainy night in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Some of our carols imply it was a cold winter night but no one knows for sure.
Christmas Day is a regular working day for most of the people here. The children still go to school - I heard all the children next door laughing and playing outside this morning. The Jewish celebrated Hannukah a couple weeks ago, although we have heard that many of the Jewish people attend some of the church carolling as they are interested to know how we celebrate Christmas even though they don't believe in it. It is so interesting learning of all the different Jewish festivals, but also with so many different cultures here, there are many different holidays observed. A person would go absolutely crazy if they tried to follow every one. Over the last week we have seen more Christmas lights, Christmas trees, etc around - and that is when you know they are not Jewish but Christian. I even found another 'Christmas store' in the old city when we were walking around yesterday.
Here are a few pictures taken over the last few weeks.
As we walk thru the streets of the Old City we came upon this coffee stand and immediately thought of Shelley and our other Starbuck fans. Since we aren't Starbuck people we can't testify to say if their coffee was better or not.
A picture of the Western Wall at night. This was Wednesday of Hannukah. We wanted to take some pictures of the many different Hannukah candles around the old city and especially in the Jewish Quarter.
A candle lit for Hannakah. As this was the Wednesday of Hannukah not all the lights were lit. By Saturday night they would all be glowing. This was taken in front of the Western Wall.
Lights lit along one of the busy highways - again for Hannukah.
And then on Saturday night all the lights are lit.
In the last few days we have seen many poinsettia plants for sale in the flower stands. These two plants are in our entrance to the garden.
On Saturday December 22 we had a Christmas get together with the local staff and the volunteers. It was exciting that approx 30 people came, some with their spouses and children. It was a wonderful evening with lots of food, lots of visiting, and then some singing. When we looked around the room it was interesting to see the different nationalities presented - Israel, Palestinian, Spanish, Dutch, American, Norwegian, British, Armenian, Australian, and of course Canadian. I hope I didn't forget someone! What a diverse group we were and yet we all serve together in this wonderful place, and we all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
What a blessing it is to be able to serve here with all these believers, and celebrate Christmas together. This is the first time in both our lives that we haven't been with family for Christmas so it is wonderful to have the 'garden family!'
Singing Christmas carols.
My new friend Matilda. A great picture of her not so much of me. She grabbed me before I had a chance to do anything about it. What a beautiful person she is (inside and out), but has a very sad story. We have had the opportunity to pray and cry together, and hope our friendship will continue even though we will be far apart.
Matilda and her son Faresh. He is sooo cute.
This Christmas tree is on a roof top in the Christian quarter of the old city.
A couple of signs hanging in the streets in the Christian quarter of the old city. What a great reminder as we walk thru the streets.
We have many more pictures that we are hoping to post but really want to send this post before it is Christmas. In all the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve, please take a few minutes to reflect on the reason why you are celebrating this special day. As you sing the carols at the Christmas Eve or Christmas morning service, let the words speak to your heart and soul as you worship the birth of our Saviour - Jesus Christ.