On our 3 days off we decided to drive down to Eilat, Israel located on the Red Sea. On the way to Eilat we took one route and came back a different way. The first route was a little longer but had much nicer scenery. We drove thru Beersheva which is the beginning of the Negev Desert -Abraham lived in Beersheva, Isaac built an altar and dug a well here, and there are other mentions from the Bible. We noticed there were a lot more soldiers around; then realized how close we were to the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Just after leaving Beersheva we saw this road sign to Sarah - and since we named our daughter after Sarah in the Bible we thought we should take this picture.

Not too much further was the gravesite for Ben Gurion - he was an important leader in Israel's history in the mid 1940's playing a very important part in Israel becoming a nation.
From his grave site memorial there is a magnificient view of the mountains and wilderness of Zin. It is hard to get a picture to show how impressive it was - it reminded us of the Grand Canyon.

This is the view from our hotel balcony. We stayed at the Rimonium Eilat. It is a resort area and is on the border of Israel, Egypt and Jordan. As well you can see the mountains of Saudi Arabia. We felt like we were in a different world - it didn't feel like Israel at all. It was nice and warm - high 20's Celsius - although in the summer the temperature is in the 40's Celsius. We enjoyed our free time here, walking along the promenade, sitting around the pool, and visiting the Coral World Underwater Observatory and Marine Park.

The border to Egypt.

The next few pictures are from the underwater observatory and Marine Park. We spent over 3 hours here walking thru the different underwater observatories, watching a simulated "dive" in a theatre that feels and sounds like you are going underwater. We watched them feed the sharks and turtles, and took pictures of the different fish. So the next few pictures are for our grandsons who love watching the movie "Nemo."

It looks like it is smiling at us!

Don standing in the sharks mouth!

The coral reef from the observation tower.

A land turtle!

When we left Eilat we travelled to Timna Valley Park. Again it is hard to get pictures to show the beauty of this area. There are ancient Egyptian copper mines, cliff walls carved with figures of chariots believed to be from Egyptian times, and very different rock formations. The following rock formation is called "the mushroom," the result of erosion. There are hiking trails everywhere.

Some carvings in the rock believed to be from the Egyptian times.

It was a great time, but nice to get back 'home."
We continue to have groups by the bus loads visit the garden. As I sit in our apartment writing this blog, I hear worship singing all around me. Just today I had a lady approach me and tell me how priviledged I was to be able to work here. Of course tears immediately appeared and I could only nod with my agreement. The time has gone so quickly as we realize that we are half way through our time here. A man shared with me this morning, that his wife gave her life to the Lord here in the garden many years ago. During our prayer time at 1:45 pm we pray that those that come to the garden will be touched by the Holy Spirit and feels God's presence here. We have testimonies from so many as they are leaving that they did indeed feel God's presence. They thank us and yet we feel it is more a blessing for us than them.
We are looking forward to some friends arriving on Monday - it will be good to see some familiar faces from Canada. As Sabbath is starting here - we say Shabbat Shalom - This is the standard greeting between Jews on shabbat, from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday. It means peaceful Sabbath in Hebrew.
In Canada we say "Have a great weekend."
Blessings and hugs from Jerusalem!
Don and Glenda
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