The first picture is Anthony. His wife has just arrived but haven't had a chance to take her picture. They are from England and have come to the garden numerous times.
This is Richard and Rosalind. Richard is the director of the Garden. They are also from England and have an amazing past. They have many interesting stories to share.
Wilma is one of our receptionists. She is originally from Holland but has lived in Jerusalem for the past 40 years. She works a couple mornings a week here then volunteers at a home that cares for holocaust survivors.
Pnina is born and raised in Jerusalem. She is 20 years old and is TRYING to teach me some Hebrew. She works part time at the garden, then also works at another Christian shop in Jerusalem.
Here are 5 of the guides. This picture was taken as we were waiting for the miners from Chile. The blue shirts are given for the men to wear but no one told them to all wear tan slacks. They looked like police officers or something!
This is Nellie, who trained me in the shop. She is a fantastic lady. Originally from Holland but came to do mission work as a young lady in her 20's. She met a Dutch man who was also here doing mission work, they are married, have 2 children, 2 grandchildren and a Palestinian foster daughter. They continue to work with orphaned children and families that have been affected by the unrest between Israel and Palestine. She has a wonderful spirit of the Lord!
Colin who also works in reception. Don't know too much about him other than he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and kids.
Roy and Mavis are also from England. They have been volunteering here for a few years. They have 2 children - their son and his family live in Sylvan Lake Alberta
Helen is another young lady that is living in Jerusalem and volunteers at the garden. I haven't worked with her very much so don't know much of her story.
This is Yoni our handyman. He is originally from New Zealand but 3 years ago returned with his wife to his roots - Israel. His children are still in New Zealand. He's always working or fixing something!
Corrie is our bookkeeper/accountant. She is originally from Holland as well. If we are needing anything in our apartment, we let her know and pronto we have it. She always has a smile on her face!
This is JJ - short for Jonathan Johnson. He has recently returned to England. He arrived just before us but was only here for 6 weeks.
Sergei who helps around the garden with cleaning and also does some of the gardening. He is formerly from Russia but now lives here with his family.
Steve and Sue also from England. Sue is the shop manager and Steve is the operations manager working alongside Richard.
Miriam also works in reception. She is originally from Norway but now makes her home in Jerusalem with her family.
So there are some of the people we work with everyday. There are a few people missing as it is hard to get everyone. We feel very blessed to be working with such a good group of people. They have all been so will be hard to say goodbye to all of them!

Left to right are:
Richard who is the director of the garden; Don from Vernon BC!; Philip who is the head guide - he was born in Jerusalem. His mother is American and his father is Jewish - he has a wealth of information; Al who is from Florida and who did the phone interview with us, and Cesar who is originally from Paraguay but now lives in Jerusalem.
Blessings to you all!
Wow looks like you are making lots of new friends. Love the picture of all the tour guides. It looks like Dad is wearing his Bannister Chevrolet Uniform. Isn't it exactly the same colours :)
ReplyDeleteDo all these people live in the same apartments as you? or do some of them live somewhere else in Jerusalem?